Wednesday, 20 November 2019


Especially Ronald and guitarist Marin Geier embody a look that in a way is reminiscent of early Joy Division promo shoots: How does the band experience the release of Fear Talk after having been an integral part of the so-called Cologne scene for so long? Playful, cerebral, slightly off-kilter pop with rich sound detail and expansive atmosphere. Please download one of our supported browsers. Producer Marvin Horsch played a vital part in the process, pushing the members of Xul Zolar to both leave their comfort zone and trust their instinct as musicians. xul zolar

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Add to favorites Please Log in to access this feature. This compilation is a good cross-section of indie and lo-fi tunes from the community of the UK-based independent label. All they need now is to find a time-machine, and have themselves featured on some old Miami Vice episodes, or any Richard Gere movie. Streaming and Download help.

Lyrically the album deals with topics personal - love and loss, as well as fears and tribu- lations existing outside the individual subject. Xul Zolar rehearse at the property of a large-scale carpentry.

As I was watching the concert of Xul Zolar going ahead at these holy halls, friends zolarr strangers alike clearly zolaar a sense of admiration for what the band does, namely to combine pop and electronics in a very clever and catchy way without losing an experimental appeal. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

The addition of a new member seemingly shaped the sound of the Cologne act.

NBHAP Story: Xul Zolar on creating their debut album Fear Talk

The old is twisted, moulded and shaped into something else. Still, not only does their sound let the band seem interesting, but it is also their outward appearance as well as self-presentation onstage. This necessarily focussed our communication on the musical aspect. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Heavy handed pastiche and parody as well as dull sloganeering are a plenty in contemporary music, but mere mimicry or the concatenation of platitudes is not enough.

In the meantime, Xul Zolar had accomplished an internal line-up change.

They've evolved since their celebrated days on the late '90s emo scene, but their music still focuses on the raw, thrilling aspects of life. It is a cold but clear day as we leave the bus somewhere outside the city centre of Cologne. Purchasable with gift card. Or browse results titled:.

A hazy blur of ethereal late-night sounds that ebb and flow to the lure of unrelenting, subterranean drums. When Marin shows up, he instantly realises that we are slightly puzzled by the location that we are stranded at. What is presented here is a flowering of something gentle and new from interlac- ing and inter-clashing surfaces of something rhythmically robust, sonically angular and synthetic. As we will learn, a lot has changed for the band ever since then.

xul zolar

We were confronted with what others had done and tried to find an answer to it. Something went wrong Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? A visceral LP centered on the subject zolaf death; deft layers of instrumentation that blurs the line between organic and electronic.

It allows the band to have enough space to house and xuul their instruments, just hang around and discuss band affairs or make use of a kitchen when they want to have dinner. Right Back Club Edits by Miquela.

xul zolar

More about Xul Zolar. We did try to incorporate jam aspects, but of course that occurs within this corset of computers and backing tracks we have.

Cologne, melancholic crooners Xul Zolar would have been the ultimate soundtrack to any 80s romance movie. With the album, it was resolved by Marvin sometimes forcing us to concentrate on our performances — such as trying to get me to sing properly, for instance. These subjects are broached in an abstract and metaphorical fashion with Fear Talk clearly opting for ambiguity and implicitness, the intangibility, the things which are hard to grasp.

Fear Talk: Xul Zolar on how they overcame inhibitions and created their debut album

Xu, after an innovative, Argentinian painter this art-rock, electro-indie outfit from Cologne are the manifestation of 80s nostalgia, soft-pop, and delicious songwriting. Therefore, the vibe of the band has noticeably changed. Along with the likes of Woman, Holygram, Roosevelt and others, Cologne is fast becoming the indie-rock capital of Germany, if not Europe.

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