Saturday, 23 November 2019


Recently Sohmer un-earthed an unfinished animation sequence from the movie and decided that we have waited long enough. Ray'd Bool Bloodrage is Krunch's brother, regarded as the warrior to Krunch's scholar. After the death of her brothers in the war against the Vullii, Pella was given the choice of which path to follow: In the printed version book cover [23] he's seen reading a book while the rest of the group engage in fierce combat. Ray'd and the Bloodrage declared their allegiance to Cale, recognizing him as King of Kethenecia. Why not just aim for the fences and try to Kickstarter the full movie? lfgcomic

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New pages are published each Tuesday and Friday. When the bunny returned from his transformation as the Archmage, Richard is seemingly oblivious to this and is seen hugging it after worrying about its earlier absence.

They have been seen as working with the Archmage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


A running gag in the series, in fact, is Richard being impaled by a sharp object usually daggers or arrows thrown at him from off screen. Characteristically he assumes that Cale was hurting her and offered to bury the corpse. Curious about what a Squishable is?

Benny is also a highly skilled warrior trained by the Bloodrage Clan. She is the only creature who knows the exact location of Kethenecia and the Sword of Truth. He is apparently somewhat immortal, having regenerated a large hole in his chest nearly instantly.

The Squishable Level -

Richard uses the red fire pawns that, like the yellow fire pawns going around the orphanage, clip to the base of the pawns they set on fire. He apparently also slaughtered all the eight draconic guardians of the labyrinth, because the dragon leader wielded the Sword of Truth. Tavor was then killed by Richard, who broke through the crystal block and took the crown of Legara; the last that was seen of "the Ageless King" was smoke rising from the blood-spattered crystal.

This could mean that Richard's origins go as far back as Kethenecia.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He was tasked by his father the lfgcokic to "Bathe [his] blades in lfgcmic and avenge [his people] in Kethenecia," because the powerful nation of Kethenecia, ally of Gamlon and self-proclaimed beacon of justice, had refused to come to their aid.

Cale himself was nearly killed by the Black Dwarves but was saved by Richard who stuffed Cale's body into the body of a dwarf and encased it in ice to save him from the approaching lava. Krunch had previously been captured by the Legarans and placed in their dungeons before meeting the group.


When excited about something, Hctib will often exclaim "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! In one of the story arcs, it has been strongly suggested that Cale's flgcomic and trials in this story are in preparation for his becoming "King", [5] specifically of Kethenecia. Upon the death of his father, Krunch "went into a rage the likes of which I've never seen before", according to Ray'd's recounting - tearing apart several of the attacking Black Dwarves Builders.

To save the gnomes and cover lfgcomci retreat from Mechastone, Pella and Richard blew up the mountain. Captain Tah'vraay was the Captain of "The Father's Bones," a pirate ship contracted by the party to take them to Kethenecia. Retrieved 11 March The Guardians of Eight are the guardians of the catacombs under the city of Kethenecia.

Although his second-in-command took over, his army was still wiped out by Cale's band and the gnomes. As Gamlon fell, Tavor displayed his dedication to duty, as well as his sense of personal honor.

His companions often react mildly to his frequently psychopathic activities. It has since been revealed that Richard's meeting with Cale was no accident, and that the warlock was charged with protecting Cale. She then takes the Sons to reunite with the Sisters and her mother, and then reunites with Lfgxomic and his companions when they come to the Sisters Temple.

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Sometime later, when Cale and friends were sent to bring Kethenecia to the present, Pella was assigned to guide them to the city catacombs under the orders of the Archmage.

He wears white gloves and red pants, similar to earlier styles of Mickey Mouse.

Retrieved from " https: She at one time needed to borrow the furnace of a blacksmith who suspiciously resembled Jamie Hyneman to forge armor to rescue Cale from Legara's dungeon, further proving her skill as a blacksmith. However, after engaging an intense sword battle with Cale over Krunch's death, Cale eventually overcame him despite embarrassing interference from Richard by using the magic embedded in his twin blades, initially forged from the Sword of Truth, to trap Tavor in a crystallized mixture of fire and ice.

When the Kickstarter ends, you'll be able to indicate that you got a t-shirt in the Backer Survey.

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