Friday, 22 November 2019


Orcosoft Borno was later marketed through 'ProtivaSoft' under the name of 'Lekhok' with some added features. Another move is underway to set up a high bandwidth optical fibre cable through underneath the Bay of Bengal in a bid to connect Dhaka and Chittagong directly with Singapore. Various fonts ranging from very common to artistic standard have been composed. With the rise of Bangladesh as a sovereign nation state, the term has no doubt obtained a specific meaning. Microprocessor based computers started to appear in the markets. Banglapedia has had several online addresses, some are no longer authorised by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. banglapedia bangla font

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A Mainframe computer was also installed at Adamjee Jute Mills during the same period. Banglapediaa point package programme in the election manifesto adopted by the United Front runs as follows: Computer education has been included in the syllabus at higher secondary level since and that of secondary level since After the independence of Pakistan and the partition of Bengal inthere have been more attempts to compile and publish an encyclopedia.

The management structure includes a total of sixty members, divided into six different sub-committees headed by six subject editors.

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The other universities have not yet been brought under this network directly but they can be connected through dial-up. Abdus Shakil, was developed by Tahmid Choudhury. As a result, use of PCs started to increase in Bangladesh mainly since the last part of the eighties, especially in education and business concerns.

Shahidul Islam Sohel evolved a self sufficient Bangla word processing software entitled 'Barna' in early The range of topics covered by Banglapedia includes political geography, religion, literature, art and architecture, folk practices and institutions, indigenous and colonial administration, politics, society, economy, ethnicity, and the sciences.

Apart from word processor, Bangla keyboard and fonts can be used in various other application package programmes. Some educational institutions, training centres and business houses of the country started setting up Local Area Network LAN from the beginning of the s.

To take steps to eradicate corruption, nepotism and bribery, and with this end in view, to take stocks of the properties of all government officers and businessmen from onward and forfeit all properties the acquisition of which is not satisfactorily accounted for. A number of professional bodies have been set up under non-government endeavours to steer ahead the computer-culture in bantlapedia country.

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Information Technology is today a well-known matter. Before independence, inclusion of computer hardware and software related courses in the curricula of Mathematics, Physics, Applied Physics and Electronics at university level education began, though in a limited way. Later on high-powered microprocessors began to evolve one after another alongside powerful PCs. He managed to write Bangla in Apple-Macintosh computer using his self-evolved font 'Mainulipi'.

United Front (East Pakistan)

There were six consulting editors, four language editors, and three translation editors. To abolish without compensation zamindari and all rent receiving interest in land, and to distribute the surplus lands amongst the cultivators; to reduce banglapedai to a fair level and abolish the certificate system of realising rent. The Lahore Resolution proposed full autonomy of East Bengal leaving defence, foreign affairs and currency under the central government.

Because of financial constraints, the number of entries was cut down to around 6, The layout of the first Bangla keyboard was also composed during this time.

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However, wider use of computer in Bangladesh accelerated from the mid-nineties. Innovation of Bangla software' Bangla writing in computer was first materialised in and an engineer namely Mainul Islam deserved the claim of this success. Its purpose is to provide a standard desk reference for Bangladeshis, as well as for people interested in Bangladesh, Bengali-speaking people, and related political, cultural and geographical contexts.

The development of a Bangla font was the unavoidable first step of developing a Bangla software. The attempt to use Bqngla on computers began a few years later. Microprocessor based computers started to appear in the markets. Consequently those who use Bangla on computers or those who would like banglapedix use Bangla, have been overwhelmed by a bewildering array of countless Bangla software programmes which are the product of myriad unplanned ventures by different developers at different times.


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With the expansion of online Internet facilities, various institutions and organisations have started to release their self-introductory WebPages. The idea finally led to a concept paper prepared by Sirajul Islam and his colleagues and submitted to the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh in early The development of computerisation process in this organisation still continues and different powerful computers and other ultra modern IT equipment of subsequent generations have since been installed there.

In most cases these are imported from Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Korea. To restructure the entire education system, introduce mother tongue as the medium of instruction, remove discrimination between government and private schools and to turn all the schools into government banglapeida institutions.

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