Monday, 18 November 2019


Researchers once have tried to make sound from it and have issued only four sounds. The wood material for Salamuri should be proportionally grown up, straight, carefully cut down and drilled from the beginning to the end. The first front key is placed 13cm. The surface of the instrument is well polished. The closer the first key is to the reed of the instrument the more high-pitched sound is produced. The technical abilities of unreeded Salamuri are limited. It was understandable as no one expected anything greater. salamuri mp3

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But this Salamuri keeps much more secrets in itself!

Erisioni Svanuri

Salamuri was an inseparatable close friend of a farmer that cheered him up in times of sorrow and sweetened his merriments. On account of this the guide of the expedition the academician Iv. What they considered to be sufficient for their archaeological researches also have counted sufficient.

The unreeded Aalamuri has a diatonic scale of one octave. The reed of Salamuri is a small tap 1,5cm inside the pipe.

Georgian music: Salamuri, city song

Thus, Salamuri is divided into three parts: It has 8 front keys and sometimes one key on the back side. It becomes slightly narrower towards the end, to blow in comfortably.

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It appeared, that it is possible to issue 10 sounds from it not by the over-blowing, but by inclining the instrument under different angles, and in this way we get seven different tetra chords that, as the final result, it represents sound system. It was understandable as no one expected anything greater. By overblowing, its compass increases.

Georgian Music MP3 Archive » Blog Archive » Salamuri (Georgian Folk Instruments)

Salamuri started its existence in pastoral atmosphere. Then comes F when completely lifting the finger from E and when lifting a finger partly from F we get F. When designing Salamuri, masters take into account with which instrument it is going to be played. When covering by all the fingers and blowing strongly we get C of the second octave. Relics obtained from archaeological excavations prove the existence of Salamuri in Georgia from the ancient times.

In Georgia, there are two kinds of Salamuri preserved till the present day: This entry was posted on Thursday, October 23rd, at The wood material for Salamuru should be proportionally grown up, straight, carefully cut down and drilled from the beginning to the end. Today this salqmuri has a stable place in Georgian folk ensembles. It has been put with year old dead boy into the grave. The sounds of the second octave we can get by lifting the fingers and blowing stronger.

The 9th key is cut out on the opposite side of the pipe between first and the second keys. The surface of the instrument is well polished.

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Both comments and pings are currently closed. It has been traveling all over the world together with the pm3 Georgian dances and has been spreading the sweet tunes of Iberian Salamuri.

That is made evident not only by the legends but also by the monuments of classical literature. That is why it is considered to be a divine musical instrument. According to some of the legends, people were presented with this instrument by God. Researchers once have tried to make sound from it and have issued only four sounds.

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The first front key is placed 13cm. According to this, they define the octave range of the instrument. I-part salajuri II-part deep-voiced Salamuri is also produced.

The closer the first key is to the reed of the instrument the more high-pitched sound is produced.

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