Tuesday, 19 November 2019


I"m glad to see he's on your list of kid-safe channels. There's a lot of silly banter, and likes to help other kids to learn more about games on Minecraft servers. First, with many clocking in at 20 or 30 minutes, they can be a major time suck. While some games promote a whole-body level of interaction, even those requiring a simple handheld controller can lead to physical activity. If your kids are young don't let them watch stampy or squids older videos as they contain swearing. Many games use actual historical events to drive their stories. littlelizardgaming pixelmon season 2 map

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First, with many clocking in at 20 or 30 minutes, they can be a major time suck. ParkerGames is also kid friendly. I don't have the link but I think you can find it if you search for B Jaws. His Super Modded Survival Series xeason fans on an epic adventure full of dungeons, new dimensions, and mighty foes.

Thank you for your time! Younger kids, new players, and families. He never swears, is really funny, and kind. We've watched quite a few of both of these Youtubers together.

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I disagree with PopularMMOs. There is another great one not on this list. Minecraft videos on YouTube attract millions of views daily.

I have a youtube channel youtube. I found a good you tuber who doesn't swear, search for B Jaws -he does lots of minecraft, very family friendly pjxelmon, my kids like his channel and I don't mind them watching it cause its pg rated.

Little Lizard ltitlelizardgaming okay. Twenty-year-old Canadian video game commenter Mitchell Hughes offers a wide range of technically adept Minecraft videos, mostly played with a gentle, nerdy patter against his mild-mannered gamer pals.

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This includes daily blocks on sensitive ad placements regardless of how much they pay and I even check all my social media platforms block sensitive media and information too. He plays kid friendly games and his commentary is always kid friendly. He is very kid friendly. Who knows, maybe one day her channel will make this list!

It's a problem isn't it Another one that we have enjoyed is a recent series of adventures, mini games, and tutorials by a father and son.

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Stop badmouthing these YouTubers, they are actually mostly clean. How about CedePlays Gaming. Phin is really good! Since then, I've been pre-screening them before letting them watch them. Please stop by and check it out.

In one study, players who were immersed in fast-paced games were 25 percent faster in reacting to questions about an image they had just seen compared to non-players.

Stampy's best friend is a squid -- remember, anything is possible in Minecraft! Gamers are sometimes stigmatized as being too insulated, but the opposite is actually true. But there's plenty to explore to help fan the flames of this mostly worthwhile pursuit. I couldn't believe it.

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I can't recall ever hearing a profanity either. I seen that video!

They got me interested in designing my own! FlamePlayz plays great kid-friendly content. She only has around or more subscribers, however her content is family friendly.

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